Shabbat Service and Melodies for the Home Bound

Shabbat Shalom,
Join us every Shabbat as we live stream our services and discussions:
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I have also  put together a selection of wonderful melodies, both old and new, found on You Tube, for your Shabbat enjoyment. 
 At the end, I have also posted two links for on-line versions of our prayerbook with transliteration.

Friday evening:

·         We welcome in the Shabbat Angels with the Maayan Band:

·         And, next, the Shabbat Queen with Midrasha Rio:

·         Enjoy Kiddush with a Cantorial classic by Chief Cantor Nechama of Berlin

Shabbat Morning:

·         Mah Tovu, with the classic choral music of Lewandowski to start your Shabbat day:

·         or this contemporary version from our friend, Cantor Danny Maseng

·         El Adon with Israeli singer, Ehud Banai

·         or this popular Israeli version

·         Shma as composed and sung by Zvika Pik (otherwise known as father-in-law to Oscar winner Tarentino)

·         L’Dor Vador, with Cantor Meir Finkelstein

·         V Shamru, with a Hebrew Text Guide

·         For all who are ill, this Misheberach by Debbie Friedman

·         Jews have prayed for the welfare of this land since setting foot in 1654. God Bless America, Irving Berlin melody, sung by Kate Smith, who buoyed our United States during the bleakest moments of WWII:
·         For our brethren in Israel, we pray as well,with IDF Chief Cantor Abramson

·         Melody for the return of the Torah, Etz Chayim Hee by Cantor and Choir at Park Avenue Synagogue

·         or Etz Chayim by Tanchum Portnoy, in waltz ¾ time

·         Sim Shalom, with a Hebrew Text guide

·         Ein Kelohenu, in Ladino and Hebrew

·         Adon Olam, alá your favorite Operas

·         Adon Olam by Swedish-Estonian- Israeli singer, Birgitta Veksler

·         Adon Olam to the Tune of Disneyland’s “ Small World”

·         Finally, by popular request, in the style of Simon and Garfunkle

·         To end your Shabbat, this Yemenite chant to accompany the end of Shabbat

My soul is longing for the candle and the spice
Please bring me the cup of wine for Havdalah

Shabbat Shalom and Shavua Tov, Shabbat Greetings and a Good week, Rabbi Norbert Weinberg

For those who want to have an on-line prayer book with translation, transliteration and the original Hebrew text, here is a good source:Link for online Siddur: Hebrew text,  transliteration and translation

Here is another transliteration version for Siddur Sim Shalom:


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