Children Born in Freedom- Raising the Next Generation
Lessons from Spies and the Red Light District of Jericho
Shelach 6 13 15
know that Rabbis get all sorts of interesting announcements from all sources,
some human, some claiming to be super-human.
One such message, from a phone call to me, went as follows: “ I have an
important message to deliver. The Moshiach, Messiah, is coming to town. He is
coming this Tuesday, and Chabad knows that he will appear at the Park on
Gardner Street. Would we please send our children to go and greet him. “
Nu-why not?
was the attitude some twenty or more years ago, when the last Rebbe of Chabad
Chasidism, z”l, passed away. He was a man of such profound impact that many of
his followers, till today, still of him in the present tense, as if he were
still alive.
know that there are two indications in Jewish tradition that the Moshiach is
here--either it is so good that surely he is here, or it is so bad, that only
the Moshiach can help us. We had that sense of so-good/so-bad then, and today,
we have that sense even more, but leaning more to the so-bad rather than the
so-good side, ever since 9/11, the Great Recession, ISIS and a long laundry
are those who argue that surely, it is so good. After all, there is an Israel and
the Moshiach will surely come before Abbas and the Palestinians get their act
together, the Arab world is in splinters, the Saudis cooperate with Israel--if
that's not moshiach tzeiten, Messianic times, then I don't know what is.
the other hand, there are those who will tell you that the Moshiach must be
here, for the opposite reason.
only is the world in a state of disarray- no need to read the laundry list of
world crises, but there is another factor.
would claim that we meet the classic description of the onset of the Messianic
era according to the Talmud...:
increase, ...nearim zekynim yalbinu-youth will make their elders pale
from shame ... ben manavel av--the son shall disgrace his father, the
daughter rise up against her mother... the members of one's own household shall
be one's own enemies--pney hador kepney hakelev-- the face of the
generation is as the face of a dog.
( Talmud Sota 9.15)
they will tell us, the new generation is coming up so badly, it is a dog-faced
generation, and we need a moshiach. We look at the content of social media, rap
music, the un-ending plague of drug abuse, violent rioting in the streets.
everything is either so good, or so bad, it is like the stock market. You can
go long or go short. Either way, the Moshiach better be here.
the Moshiach did not come to Gardner Park then, and we are still waiting today,
two decades later.
need a new generation to pick up the ball and fix things before the Moshiach
comes. The Greatest Generation, of WWII veterans and Holocaust survivors, is moving on. Baby
Boomers, perhaps the not-so-great generation, such as former Presidents Clinton
and Bush, are graying. Generation X and Millennials and whatever- label-is-applied
young children today will have to pick up the ball.
last month has seen the commemorations of the end of World War II in Europe 70
years ago. 70 years is a Biblical lifetime.
was a poignant reminder that in order to preserve the world, not just for our
democracy, but for human civilization itself, many, countless many gave their
one lifetime later, we face a world in which perhaps, perhaps we will not need
such extreme sacrifice. For next lifetime, the battle may not be one of tanks
and missiles but it will be a battle of
the heart of civilization, of human decency.
is difficult to go from slavery to freedom; it is very easy to slip from
freedom back to slavery.
look at our Torah reading today, Shelach, a tale of espionage and of demoralization
form within. Moses sends the famous 12 spies, who bring back report of the
dangers that the Promised land has in store for them. The children of Israel, so recently freed
from Egyptian bondage, are afraid of the cost that their new home will require.
Their instinct is to go backwards, to retreat. It is not for another 38 years,
that a new generation arises, born in liberty and under the teachings of the
Torah, that the nation is ready for its challenge.
had a generation born in slavery replaced by a generation born in freedom.
our time, however, we have a generation coming up now, born in freedom that is
afraid that its future is dim, is afraid that the prospects are nil. The
overall economy is reportedly strong, yet graduates see their positons squeezed
down and the non-graduates are squeezed out. This is the first generation that
fears going down in living standards instead of up. What is going wrong?
have had rioting in the streets, inflamed by those who know how to spark anger
in the hearts of those who feel left out and left behind. Political figures
rush to offer pablum or put bandaids rather than deal with real issues.
is a generation of youth in trouble.
years ago, a young social scientist, later the influential Senator, Patrick
Moynihan ,looked squarely at the problem afflicting impoverished youth then. He
saw that the abandonment of the family by the father directly paralleled the
rise in crime and violence, just at a time when opportunities were opening up
for the first time in American history.
social system which was to protect children created an atmosphere which
destroyed children. Television and movies have glorified the single-mothers who
has high education and advanced skills, but the problem does not lie there. The
problem lies with the single mother, who are uneducated, unskilled, and just a
youngster herself, left to fend on her own. These are the core of the poor in
this country. It not a phenomenon of the
lower-income black community—it is a phenomenon of lower-income of all ethnic groups, including white
know of this first hand as my daughter works with the county and her job is to
track down and throw the books at the many, many fathers who has given up on
their families and left them to the mercies of the state.
is a human problem, for black, brown, and white.
are now faced with children who have been abandoned, if not physically, then
morally and spiritually, by their parents and by their society.
reap what we sow. The tragedy is that our policies, of left or of right, have
eradicated the family and the one element that creates for a healthy
society. How do we pick up the pieces
again.? How do we rebuild this support
that once was?
Close suggested this:
are not islands. To be effective, families must be supported by schools, as
well as churches and synagogues, communities, business, the media,
government. Otherwise, the children are
at risk the moment they leave the front door. “
Haftarah for today is very telling of our modern plight. We have the heroine,
Rachab hazonah,Rachab the prostitute,
engaged in the occupation of least repute. She sells herself; she is
left without pride or dignity.
lives, our text tells us, on the city walls, the most vulnerable part of the
city, the first part to be attacked in event of war. It is the outskirts of the
society--the outer perimeter. Jericho, the symbol of urban civilization, the
oldest existing city on the face of the earth, could not properly care for its
citizens. The grandeur of civilization for some of its citizens was built upon
the degradation of others in its society.
it any wonder that Rahab betrays her city? She has been forced to sell herself to
the first bidder, constantly. She has been forced to live on the margins of her
society. What does she owe her people, what does she owe her country --
it any wonder that she helps those who would undo that world?
we look at this generation, we look at the future of this country. It is true;
there are many young people who are outstanding. They have been fortunate to be
born into homes of warmth and love and concern. There are also many outstanding young people who have been born
into poor backgrounds, born into poverty, who nevertheless rise up to become a
blessing to society.
what of the other man's children? What of the other youngsters, the ones in
trouble, the one making our daily life difficult. They too are our youth. What
of them?
A man once complained to the Baal Shem Tov
that his son had abandoned his religion completely.
shall I do? he cried to the great teacher?
you love him.?" He asked.
Of course I do.
answered the Baal Shem Tov, "Love him even more."
is our challenge. It is not to give youngsters a pass for misbehavior, because
that is even more destructive. When the blame for society’s shortcomings are
placed on the police, the greatest victims are the very poor people whose
interests we pretend to protect. People suffer in the streets even more so when
policing is absent. However, it falls on all elements of society, not just a
government bureaucrat from above, but clubs, churches, civic groups, and
entrepreneurs to seek ways to rebuild communities, to rebuild families. That is
the only way we can turn the generation of the wilderness into a generation
that may enter the Promised Land.