From Moses to
Moses- The Legacy of the Rambam
Discussion Feb 6
For the recording of the discussion
Sources for his biography sketch:
Kenneth, "Maimonides", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring
2017 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.Orginal
comments in []
Rabbi Moses
ben Maimon [RAMBAM from the initials רמב"ם
Maimonides, a Greek term used in academic sources] (1138–1204) is the greatest
Jewish philosopher of the medieval period and is still widely read today.
The Mishneh
Torah, compendium of Jewish law, …. His philosophic masterpiece,
the Guide
of the Perplexed( Moreh Nebuchim… also fame as a physician
…influenced thinkers as diverse as St . Thomas Aquinas [
Reason and religion go together, is to be found in God] , Spinoza [ the great pantheist and Bible
sceptic], Leibniz [ “This is the best of all possible worlds”] and Newton [
forbears of the modern Age of Enlightenment.]
On American Law: The 23
marble relief
portraits over the gallery doors of the House
Chamber in the U.S. Capitol depict
historical figures noted for their work in establishing the principles that
underlie American law. They were installed when the chamber was remodeled in
1949-1950. ]
was born Cordova, Spain in 1138.[1]
Almohads invaded in 1148 . . . the choice of conversion, exile, or death.
Maimonides’ family was forced to leave … arrived in Fez, Morocco in 1160.
[Statue in Cordoba Jewish quarter]
[We should not be under the illusion that intolerance was only a
Christian characteristic- It is surmised that at some point, the family pretended
to be Moslem in order to survive, similar to Marannos/conversos of the later
His first philosophic work of note was
the Treatise on the Art of Logic. his first religious masterpiece,
the Commentary on the Mishnah, …1168.
attempt at a Jewish “ catechism”]
on Chapter 10 Sanhedrin. ..lists 13 principles that he considers binding
on every Jew [ this is the source for the popular 13 Principals of faith, Ani
Maamin ( based on, but not written by him) , and for Adon Olam and Yigdal,
which is used in Protestant hymnals in
English paraphrase with a Jewish melody by Hazan Leoni, 18th
century. Note that the 13 principals were never officially accepted and were
strongly criticized in his day]
arrived in Egypt in 1166 and eventually settled in Fustat, a section of Cairo. [He
was seen as the “ Nagid”(leader) of the community.]
served as physician to the court of Caliph Saladin, known for crushing the Crusaders
at Hattin. This great figure himself was not an Arab, but a Kurd. The Kurds, as
a people, have been prevented from any kind of recognition for a nation state
by Turkish, Arab, and Iranian regimes.
did the Rambam take upon himself the burden of being a physician to the Royal
court and the public? His brother , a wealthy merchant, had supported him in
his studies and work. When the brother died at sea, the burden of supporting
the family now fell to the Rambam. So, he became the world-class physician of
his day:
Arabic poet (Al-Sa'id ) wrote:
art heals only the body, But Abu Imram's [Maimonides'] the body and the soul.
With his wisdom he could heal the sickness of ignorance. If the moon would
submit to his art, He would deliver her of her spots at the time of full moon,
Cure her of her periodic defects, And at the time of her conjunction save her
from waning."
oath as used in Israel ( not Hippocatres)
Prayer for the doctor – Maimonides
I am
preparing myself to perform my art, please help me God to succeed in my work.
Put in my heart love for my art and for your creation and may neither the love
of profit and the desire for glory and honor engage my mind for these qualities
are the enemies of true love and love of humans and thus I beseech you do not
make me forgetful of my work to be useful and to serve.
Grant me the physical and mental strength to be forever prepared to help the
poor and the rich, the good and the bad, my love and my enemy, and may I always
see the human in the infirm, may the sick trust me and my knowledge to heed my
advice and to follow my instructions. Distance from the infirm all quack
doctors and the entire army of close advisors and the cunning crafts as they
are a cruel people who from arrogance and haughtiness will thwart any good
Grant me the wisdom to listen to the voice of the genuine wise of my art who
strive to instill knowledge, as the field of wisdom is abundant and wide. Grant
me the strength and the courage to dismiss cunning fools who find fault so that
I may not deviate from the way of truth without prejudice.
the publication of the Mishneh Torah, he established himself as a
thinker for the ages. Not only does this work systematize all the commandments
of the Torah, it tries to show that every part of Jewish law serves a rational
purpose .
The Guide
of the Perplexed was completed in 1190 and contains Maimonides’ most
extensive philosophic discussions.
The Guide has
long been considered a controversial work and in some rabbinic circles was
originally banned
[ Three leading rabbis in France denounced his books to the
Dominicans, who headed the French Inquisition. The Inquisitors were only too
happy to intervene and burn the books.
IN Yeshivahs of the early
modern period, his Guide was seen as a gateway to apostacy, so that it was
said, the students would read Maimonides under their desks, then proceed to
read Spinoza, and then, leave the Yeshiva world altogether]
ever-growing demands on his time, Maimonides worked himself into a state of
exhaustion and died in Fostat in 1204 [end of article on Rambam]
busy was he?
A day in the life:This is the
Rambam’s routine as he wrote it to his translator, ibn Tibbon:
dwell at Fostat, and the sultan resides at Cairo [about a mile and ahalf
away].... My duties to the sultan are very heavy. I am obliged to visit him
every day, early in the morning, and when he or any of his children or any of
the inmates of his harem are indisposed, I dare not quit Cairo, but must stay
during the greater part of the day in the palace. It also frequently happens
that one of the two royal officers fall sick, and I must attend to their
healing. Hence, as a rule, I leave for Cairo very early in the day, and even if
nothing unusual happens, I do not return to Fostat until the afternoon. Then I
am almost dying with hunger. . . I find the antechamber filled with people,
both Jews and gentiles, nobles and common people, judges and bailiffs, friends
and foes-a mixed multitude who await the time of my return.
dismount from my animal, wash my hands, go forth to my patients and entreat
them to bear with me while I partake of some slight refreshment, the only meal
I take in the twenty four hours. Then I go forth to attend to my patients, and
write prescriptions and directions for their various ailments. Patients go in
and out until nightfall, and sometimes even, I solemnly assure you, until two
hours or more in the night. I converse with and prescribe for them while lying
down from sheer fatigue; and when night falls I am so exhausted that I can
scarcely speak.
consequence of this, no Israelite can have any private interview with me,
except on the Sabbath. On that day the whole congregation, or at least the
majority of the members, come to me after the morning service, when I instruct
them as to their proceedings during the whole week; we study together a little
until noon, when they depart. Some of them return, and read with me after the
afternoon service until evening prayers. In this manner I spend that day.
Telushkin. Jewish Literacy. NY: William Morrow and Co., 1991.
Reprinted by permission of the author; Encyclopaedia
Judaica. © 2008 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.
Legends abound: This is one variation, with some emendations
of my own:
Maimonides was suspected of heresy...
They sent a Rabbi Meir. . . . First, a servant placed food which looked like
human hands on the table. Secondly, the Rambam summoned another servant, named
Peter, to fetch wine for the guest-a Christian serving wine makes the wine
unkosher. Finally, Maimonides ordered that a calf be slaughtered in a quite unkosher manner. Completely
shocked at the obviously unkosher food (human hands, wine served by a non-Jew,
and meat made unkosher) . . . the Rambam explained. First of all, the human
hand was a special kind of vegetable which only looks like it is a human hand.
Secondly, his faithful servant Peter is Jewish( father of a Talmudic sage Rabbi
Yose ben Patrus) Thirdly, the calf was removed from the womb of a pregnant cow
that was slaughtered according to halacha. The law is that such a calf does not
need to be slaughtered according to the method of shechita... Having learned
this great lesson, he returned to Germany and reported that the Rambam is no
Modified from
his grave tombstone in Tiberias: From Moses untם
Moses, there was none like unto Moses.” ממשה (רבנו) עד משה (בן מימון) לא קם כמשה". The Hebrew
is more audacious than the English, because it uses a phrase from the last
verses of Deuteronomy, that uses that phrase for Moses, Rabbenu.
At his graveside
His role as Halakhic codifier-The Mishnah Torah
1-Pror and even after the Rambam-
scattered sheelot uteshuvot
Commentaries on the Talmud ( such as
Rashi, Tosafists)
Summarised version framed around the
Talmud-Alfasi, Rabbenu Asher ( later figure) Or- follow the portion of the week-Sheilta
of Achai Gaon
Or count the mitzvoth by their order
in the Torah SeMag-Sefer Mitzvot Hagadol- R. Moses of Couc( based on Rambam’s
own count)
2- His intent- Mishneh Torah- a
summation of the Torah- a play on words- “Mishneh Torah” is Moses Rabbenu’s own
description of his summation of the laws in Deuteronomy. It is then used by R
Judah HaNasi for the “Mishnah”-a summation of the laws of Judaism based used by
Rabbi Judah Hanasi for Mishnah, on the
Rabbinic Oral Torah:His introduction:
וּמִפְּנֵי זֶה נָעַרְתִּי
חָצְנִי, אֲנִי מֹשֶׁה בֵּירִבִּי מַיְמוֹן הַסְּפָרַדִּי, וְנִשְׁעַנְתִּי עַל
הַצּוּר בָּרוּךְ הוּא, וּבִינוֹתִי בְּכָל אֵלּוּ הַסְּפָרִים
Therefore, have I, Moses son
of Maimon, of Spain, girded up my loins, and, supporting myself upon the Rock,
blessed be He! made a comprehensive study of all those books . . ., the whole
scope in pure language and concise style, so that the Oral Torah be entirely
methodical in the mouth of everybody, without query and without repartee,
without the contentious thus of one and such of another. . .
The main object of the matter
being, that no man shall have a need of any other compilation in the world for
any law of the laws of Israel, but this compilation shall be a cyclopedia of
the whole Oral Torah together with a code of the statutes, customs and edicts
which were enacted since the days of Moses our Master until the close of the
Talmud ….
Therefore, have I named this
compilation Mishnah Torah; for, when one studies Holy Writ first and thereafter
reads this Work, he obtains herefrom a complete knowledge of the Oral Torah,
having no need to read any other book in between them.
He then establishes all
categories of Jewish law, expanding the six realms of the Mishnah, to 14 in the
Mishnah Torah. 14 is written as Yod-Daled,,for Hand Hence, also known as “ Yad
HaHazakah.” The Strong Hand.”
He will be very controversial
precisely because he has eliminated the debates that led to the laws ( This
will be done by later commentaries, both friends and foes alike, which appear
in older printed versions).He himself admitted later that had he known the
potential opposition, he would have quoted his sources.( Later, 350 years,
Rabbi Joseph Karo would avoid the problem-he, too, created a “Short cut” work,
of 4 volumes, the Shulkhan Aruch, but his arguments had already been published
in his commentaries on the code of the Arba Turim of Rabbi Jacob ben Asher. He
also had the good fortune of having lived after the invention of the printing
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