Portion Reeh
What is the Genius of the Jew
never was easy being a Jew. Forget the anti-Semites; we had to deal with a very
powerful and demanding God on top of that!
Do you
remember the line from Fiddler On the Roof:
He has
just announced that his daughter is to be married and the local Russian
official comes up to congratulate him. He then says,
Yes, Your Honour?
I have some news I think I should tell you as a friend.
Yes, Your Honour.
I'm giving you this news because I like you.We have received orders that sometime soon this district is to have a little unofficial demonstration.
A pogrom
No, no, no. Just a little unofficial demonstration.
Then Tevye goes on
God, Did you have to send me news like
that today of all days?
know, I know we are the chosen people.
once in a while, can't you choose someone else?
Here is another take on this odd question by a British
poet, William Ewer:
odd of God
Choose the Jews.
To this, there have been several retorts all attributed
to a variety of authors:
But not so odd
those who choose
Jewish God
spurn the Jews
Not odd
of God. / Goyim annoy 'im,-- attributed to Leo Rosten.
But finally, this one is most apt:
"Not so odd / The Jews chose God”
Did we choose? As we have it in the Torah, we can see
that not only were we chosen, but we were set up as well with serious demands
and expectations.
Our Torah reading opens with these words:
anochi notayn lifneychem hayom brachah vklalah
I set before you this day a blessing and a curse
blessing-if you observe the Commandments of the Lord your God,
curse--if you fail to observe the commandments.
They are echoed again,at the end of the Torah--Reeh
natati lefanecha hayom et hahyim ve et hatov veet hamavet ve et ha ra(30:15)
Behold I have set before you today life and good
death and evil...I call on heaven and earth to bear
witness today that I have given you life and death, blessing and
curse--therefore uvaharta bechayim--therefore choose life.
It is a
doctrine, one of the few dogmas that we Jews cherish, beside the belief in one
God, that whatever our circumstances, whatever our fortune and fate--rich or
poor, healthy or ill,--ultimately the choice of good or evil, and the
consequences, are in our hands. But we have the choice.
God may
have indeed chosen us, as we say at the Torah blessing” Atah Bachar banu”- You
have chosen us form among all peoples. We too, have our “ choosing”, as we have
it in these verse from the Torah.
has been at the essence of Jewish existence-- to choose--Torah versus licentiousness,
Judaism versus disappearance.
preaches choice, and we Jews have remained Jews, over the centuries by choice, solely
by our free choice. We didn’t have to remain as Jews.We are the product of
generations that chose to remain as Jews.
I want
to quote for you from an essay my father wrote, and I excerpted it in my book,
Courage of the Spirit. This is from his essay, "A Heroism that hasn't been
recorded."( P.4)
( For information on thebook, go to www.courageofspirit.com )
"Genius has been defined as the infinite capacity
for taking pains. Jews had no doubt more than any group in the world the
infinite capacity for taking pain. However, I think that taking ridicule
requires even more of true genius than the capacity for taking any other kind
of pain.
To be a Jew was to invite a firing squad, and the worst
of all was a roar of laughter and ridicule.
Everyone was free to take out his heart on the Jew; he
was the only one who could not retaliate, for the offender had the police, the
church, the army, and the whole society lined up before him.
All of this was not something irremediable, for every
Jew could easily and at any time change his status of a pariah into that of a
highly respected citizen.
The historian, Louis Golding wrote, "The acceptance
of a single drop of baptismal water was enough to entitle him to remain and
enjoy his property, the scenes in which he had been brought up and the land
where his fathers lay buried... he could have thrown off his rags and clad
himself in scarlet and enjoyed peace and affluence, by pronouncing one single
word, a word which he did not pronounce".
The Jew was the
only one who turned a deaf ear to all the calls to exchange security for his
way of life. He alone remained out of the general swim, in fact, against the
crowd. People scoffed and jeered and mocked and made sport of him, and he went on,
unheeding, undismayed and undiscouraged.
In all
the history of mankind, no nation ever displayed such a civil bravery as the
nation of Israel. It is a history with the leitmotif that a hero is one who
conquers daily his temptations toward cowardly conformism. The Jew took dirt,
misery, hunger, fever and ridicule in stride and seemed to have inexhaustible
reserves of strength.
emblem of a Scottish University has on it
." They say", "What say they? Let them say! They scoff. Let them scoff!
This was the motto of the Jew. He walked majestically with his caftan,
beard, and ear locks through a hostile world like a soldier marching to his
goal through searing flames and minefields.
capacity to endure laughter and ridicule day after day and the smallness of
stupid, prejudice- bound minds; the epic of sacrifices in the day by day life
of the Jew, this is the unsung unique heroism of the Jew, and there were no
historians to record this day by day heroism.
How as such a
heroism possible?
He was
armed with antidotes to the Gentile climate of opinion. The strongest was the
consuming sense of the presence and reality of God , with a compulsive urge to
magnificence. He was able to stand aside as long as he considered his own way
of life the constant and that of others as the variable.
lived in his own world, he enjoyed the full benefits of a universally shared
world vision--klal Yisrael-- a body of belief, a complex of metaphysics and
myth. The fence around the Torah was his castle.
Out of
his intimacy with God, the Jew considered his destiny inseparable from him,
whose shekhinah --divine presence--went
with him into exile. He knew that with
him is the shekhina begaluta-the divine in exile.
The Jew
was armed to suffer sneer, the smallness of stupid unthinking prejudice and
rudeness, for he was convinced that "The stone which the builders rejected
will become the chief corner-stone of a better world, and that they who sow in
tears shall reap in joy. They scoff-let them scoff.
This is
the history of the Jew of yesterday."
My father then ended his essay on the question of “what
of today?.
"The Jew of today? He ran out of convictions and
therefore the Herculean task of battling against a whole world is not his
we seem to have it all. Our Jewish community is wealthy, as has no community
before in Jewish history; we are highly educated, as has no other community
been before; we hold high positions in government, are leaders in business, in
academics, in the culture and arts, and entertainment.
This is
also the age that has seen the creation of the State of Israel, a testimony to
the vigor of our people, to rise out of the ashes of the destroyed communities
of Eastern Europe, of North Africa, of Western Asia.
for all that is good, we are concerned. Yet we must ask the question--have we
indeed run out of our convictions. Have we indeed abandoned the herculean task
of going against the main-stream? What have gained, with all our well-being, if
we have traded in our yiddish neshamah, our Jewish souls in the consequence. The
demographics surveys and the Pew Polls all speak of the shrinkage of Jewish
numbers in this nation, of a dangerously high rate of marriage out or just plain
dropping out.
As I
said at the opening, Moshe Rabbenu challenged us. Behold I set before you this
day a blessing and a curse.
challenge, then, is for us, to make the choice, which Moses taught us only we
can make, each and every one of us, to choose life, to choose the path of
heroism, to choose the path of Judaism. Our ancestors could do it, under fire,
under siege, under the greatest adversity. May we be granted the courage and
the vision, Amen.
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