Celebrate Israel’s 70th Birthday with
Hollywood Temple Beth El and
Iranian American Jewish Federation
years ago, the impossible happened. A people almost wiped off the face of the
earth reestablished an independent state of Israel after 2000 years of foreign
colonialism, ethnic cleansing and genocide. On Saturday, April 21, the
members of Hollywood Temple Beth El and the Iranian American Jewish Federation
will celebrate the State of Israel’s 70th birthday with a joint
program at noon, following their Shabbat morning services which begin at 9:45
Gary Ratner,
Senior Executive of Stand with Us will address the gathering. Stand with
Us is an international education organization whose mission is to disseminate
the facts about Israel and the Middle East conflict and to counter the
misinformation and misconceptions that are prevalent in the general community
here and abroad. Stand With Us works on campuses, in high schools,
in communities, churches and synagogues. Stand With Us has offices
across the United States, Canada, the U.K, Australia, South Africa and Israel.
For more information, go to their website: www.standwithus.com
will be a musical presentation of popular Israeli songs led by Cantorial
Soloist, Bryce Emily Megdal. Megdal is a
dynamic and thrilling vocalist and song-leader who officiates at High Holy Day and other special
events for Hollywood Temple Beth El.
to Rabbi Norbert Weinberg, “The State of Israel is one of the modern wonders of
the world. The State of Israel is now an amalgam of Jews from such diverse
regions as the Middle East, Europe, Africa, India, and central Asia. One of the
oldest languages of the world, Hebrew, was reborn as a living, common tongue of
this reborn people. In its short history, a gathering of impoverished refugees
has become the leading innovator in
medicine, science, technology, and
agriculture. “
celebration will be held at the main sanctuary at 1317 N Crescent Heights Blvd,
West Hollywood. For more information, please call 323-656-3150 of email: temple@htbel.org
Tree of Life – A Journey into the Inner World
Sunday, April 22 | 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Join us for a day of workshop combining heart-opening music, guided meditations, sacred movements and chants from ancient texts.
We will explore the mystical Tree of Life, a system of ten energy centers, which exist in our bodies as well in the world around us. Attunement of these energy centers may lead to mindful and wholesome way of living, improving health and well-being and will lead to a quick and light yet, deep and transformative, experience.
Yuval Ron is an internationally renowned world Music artist, composer, educator, peace activist and record producer. His book Divine Attunement: Music as a path to Wisdom, won the Gold Medal Award for Best Spirituality Book at the Indie Book Awards 2015. For more information visit: http://www.yuvalronmusic.com/
Gilla Nissan is a teacher of spirituality and meditation, a prize winning poet and a captivating speaker. Her forthcoming book is The Hebrew Alphabet-Allow the Magic to Fascinate You a ground-breaking teaching on the Letters. For more information, please visit: http://www.TheHebrewLetter.com/ or email gilla29@msn.com
Free Admission- Advance registration required. Limit to 50 participants
Bring your own lunch ( dairy, vegetarian or kosher) or get a bite in local eateries
Registration information:http://jewishwisdomandwellness.org/…/tree-of-life-a-journe…/
In conjunction with Jewish Wisdom and Wellness: A Festival of Learning, a project of Kalsman Institute/HUC-JIR and Cedars Sinai Medical Center.
Venue: Hollywood Temple Beth El, 1317 N Crescent Heights Blvd. Los Angeles,
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